Let's get this party started, shall we?!

Welcome to The Business Accelerator with Soul!

Please take a few minutes to fill out this deep dive form, and we'll be on our way! I'm looking forward to supporting you in your business journey!

(please give links to your social media profiles, even if you are not using them for business right now)
Are you ok with using Telegram messenger as part of our work in between sessions?
(use your time zone)
(i.e. life coach, corporate consultant, health practitioner, numerologist, etc)?
Is this business full time or part time for you?
(number that might not be your ultimate goal, but that will allow you to be free of financial insecurity, go at it full time (if not currently) and give you next level abundance).
(e.g. 6 months, or 5 sessions, annual retainer, etc).
Have you ever sold anything or tried to sell? Share your story.
1 - No energy, constantly tired; 10 - I am a rocket! No stopping me.